Saturday, June 7, 2008


also known as mr. attitude, "i can do anything you can do better," me too, not afraid of anything. as mentioned before, we caught all these frogs and a salamander. evan couldn't keep his hands off them. i tried telling him to be gentle and put the frog back in the water. i think he understands me - then evan turns around and throws the frog in and says, "okay mommy." poor frog - we let them go later that day.
on a side note....jensen was being a true big brother tonight. after repeated warnings and threats of bed with no snack/dessert if he didn't leave burton alone, i had to follow through. after letting him cry it out for a bit, i went to tuck him in. our conversation went something like this:
jb - why can't i have a snack? i'm really hungry.
me- bad things happen when you get in trouble. you do bad things, you get in trouble.
jb - how come you never get in trouble when you do bad things?
me - silence.......completely stonewalled. all i could think of was, good question!
kids - i love them!


ec said...


i'm so excited you have a blog ... such a great way to keep in touch!

looking forward to more...

stone's eye view said...

yay yen, you are on here!!
i love the family picture